radio noir behind the scenes: joe mabbott

We should do more of these "interview" things...
After my chauffeur (Metrotransit) dropped me off in Saint Paul, I was ready to help prep our studio (in this case, dining room). We decided it would be a good idea to do the interview over dinner.
I walked into a kitchen full of life. A Halloween cake was in the oven (clearance sale don't judge us), and John was brewin' up some mighty fine vegetarian chili.
That specific entrée ended up quite the coincidence, because we didn't know Mabbott entered himself in a chili cook off. If he loses, we're not responsible, but in the event he wins... we taught him everything he knows!
After our pre-interview feast, we cracked a few beers and started the show. Joe might be one of the easiest guys to talk to I have ever met. It was great hearing his off air commentary during each selection of Us. Particularly his recording techniques for strings and mallet percussion.
Joe you're a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks for coming on the show.
I'm looking forward to that new Beak album.

It sure does Joe, It sure does...
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