go phils...

As many of you know I am from Philadelphia, so I'm not the only transplant rocking in The Twin Cities.
Tonight is game 6. I'm a huge Phils fan. My plans are set for tonight.
Should be an interesting shootin' match. Especially since both ball clubs have their resident F.R.O.G. on the mound (the last three letters of that acronym stand for "Really Old Guy"). Hopefully the better team will be victorious.
I am a bit worried, considering Ryan "The Ryan King" Howard is in a slump and Johnny "Unfrozen Caveman Baseball Player" Damon is hitting the ball a bit too well for my tastes.
This guy knows what I'm talking about.
3 straight divisional titles, 2 straight pennants, 2 straight world series appearances, and 1 ring. Still proud of those boys. See ya'll next year!