This is one of my favorite days of the year...
The family, the friends, the food, the football. I needed one more 'f' in there for some solid alliteration, and yes, I am aware that despite my use of poetic devices the above is only a sentence fragment.
Now is not the time for tangents. Now is the time to give thanks, relax, and eat yourself into a coma (Yay America!). I myself am thankful for a lot of things: I'm thankful for the roof over my head, I'm thankful for good music to listen to, I'm thankful for my family and friends, but most importantly I'm thankful for all of you!
To everyone who as helped out Radio Noir by donating, Thank you!
To everyone who reads this nerdy collection of musings everyday, Thank you!
To all the people who consistently come to Second-Hand Opera shows and scream along with us, Thank You!
Have a safe and happy holiday. I'll see you all next week, and don't forget to call your mothers!
And rest assured, I'm eating at the kids' table. Those guys know how to party!
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