This is one of my favorite days of the year...
The family, the friends, the food, the football. I needed one more 'f' in there for some solid alliteration, and yes, I am aware that despite my use of poetic devices the above is only a sentence fragment.
Now is not the time for tangents. Now is the time to give thanks, relax, and eat yourself into a coma (Yay America!). I myself am thankful for a lot of things: I'm thankful for the roof over my head, I'm thankful for good music to listen to, I'm thankful for my family and friends, but most importantly I'm thankful for all of you!
To everyone who as helped out Radio Noir by donating, Thank you!
To everyone who reads this nerdy collection of musings everyday, Thank you!
To all the people who consistently come to Second-Hand Opera shows and scream along with us, Thank You!
Have a safe and happy holiday. I'll see you all next week, and don't forget to call your mothers!
And rest assured, I'm eating at the kids' table. Those guys know how to party!

You guys were awesome!
Hmm should I really say guys?
Last night The Second-Hand Opera played at The Pulse, which is a venue on Saint Kate's campus.
College shows are always a mixed bag. You either get state-of-the-art sound and an apathetic audience, or a great audience with some pretty lack luster sound.
The sound was alright, but the audience was great! That even includes all the smart ass comments yelled out by Mr. John 'Cosmo' Kramer.
It was interesting performing on an all girls campus. I've been on the road enough times to become immune to the "You boys ain't from around here" look, but that look was never more obvious than last night. It made me a bit nervous, mainly because I didn't know what to think...
In all fairness, I had nothing to be nervous about. It was a very relaxing environment to play in, and the student body was really nice. A few of them hung out after the show to chat, and I always enjoy that. Yeah I know, I rhymed... I'm a tool.
The food they served us was a lot better than any college food I remembered and generous portions taboot. My only complaint for the night was my amp's behavior. It had a few moments of feedback, but only during the heavy songs so I don't think anybody could tell. All in all, great night!
The paycheck wasn't bad either...
I'm kidding of course. I want to thank every student at Saint Kate's, it was nice meeting you!

A Fender Rhodes is very heavy...
The gentlemen of Hotel San Sebastian came in waves. Foster arrived last, but he had to find a way to get off work, and I think he biked to our studio, which is badass.
The group had to dismantle their perfectly played Tetris game of gear they had assembled in the back of the car. Then carry it down a creaky set of stairs. They had a lot of unique instruments, and by unique I mean large in size. Although Foster's guitar is pretty cool looking.
The downtime conversation was really fun, even though the participants were mostly Woody and I. We talked about how every band in The Cities usually ends up playing with one another, and how we as artists naturally end up playing with the same bands night in and night out (whether we like it or not).
We all long for change, so expect see more Hotel San Sebastian/ Second-Hand Opera bills in the future, and perhaps the new Hotel album will be recorded at the Saint Paul Opera House...
I think I should explain something about the podcast. My opening line was, "I'm not sure if i want to edit that in post. I think I want to keep it in." Unfortunately what I was referencing got edited in post. Before we went on air, I advised everyone to keep silent when the theme song kicks in, because that means we're live.
As soon as I finished that sentence, Alex said something to the degree of, "Oh so I shouldn't say anything like 'I'm really high." I cut him off because the opening notes of "Woodstock Emergency Pipe" came on halfway through his sentence.
In a nutshell, the first sound heard on the broadcast was, "I'm really high." We tookit out of the podcast, but for those listening live I hope you got a good laugh.
Thanks for coming on the show guys! Oh and to the good people at American Rag, I'm sorry about the "On The Rag" comment. Sometimes things are funnier in my head than aloud...

Nevermind that line is still funny.

Pat Dougherty
Wednesday, November 11th, 2009
If there's an artist who can take the ideals of punk, mix in the free styles of jazz, and create songs in a folk setting, Mr. Pat Dougherty can do it ten-fold.
Pat Dougherty is not only working on one full length album due this early Spring, but two more EPs, his very own record label, Keep in Touch Records (which happens to be our sister label), recording with Dave Afdahl on his album, staring in an indie Zombie film, touring all over the US of A and growing a beard.
This man, sporting the "This Machine Still Kills Facists" stickers on all his instruments, has started to make quite an impact on the Twin Cites music scene.
We have much to expect in the future from Pat Dougherty so please stay tuned to his music and business. You can read his blog here and his myspace page here.
Check out his music and come see him and Dave Afdahl with The Second-Hand Opera on December 9th at the Acadia Café!
Good stuff no? I think the jerk said it best...
Big thanks to the people at Rush Lake. I'm somebody now!

A midsize car pulled up to our studio. It was stuffed with a drum kit.

However I still have a few copies of the Soliloquies reissue, but act fast because I'm running out.